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A Hummingbird's Tale:

Henry's Great Race

by K.K. Wallace

illustrated by Richard Sauer

The fastest of birds from all around the world are about to get together for “The Race of All Races”. And, it’s going to happen within the local territory of a very adventurous little hummingbird, who has an incredible gift of flight. No bird of his kind had ever considered the THOUGHT of wanting to enter this race. But, he can’t help feeling that this is THE chance of a lifetime for him, to try and be a part of it.


Join his journey, in hopes that he doesn’t find himself in a situation that could very well be, “way over his head”.



For ages 6-12, but people of all ages will enjoy the story and the illustrations.


58 pages, 8.5" x 8.5"

Color Illustrations

ISBN 13 - 978-1-945432-19-4




Eco-Justice Press, L.L.C. © 2011-2024