Eco-Justice: Essays on Theory and Practice in 2016
Paperback $16.95 + S/H
124 pages, 7"x10"
ISBN 978-1-945432-02-6
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This is the first Theory and Practice from Eco-Justice Press. We present to you a wide range of topics relating to eco-justice, by authors from Europe, Asia, and the Americas. We are pleased to give the authors a new venue to present their thoughts and we appreciate their contributions. Also, we thank Chet Bowers for writing the After-word.
The idea for this book arose because it seemed a ‘where are we now’ perspective on how eco-justice principles are being thought about and practiced seemed useful—we hope you agree. This ongoing discussion will hopefully benefit all.
Essay submission for 2018 are open. Read more here.
Table of Contents:
A Note From the Publisher
Developing a Language to Support Healthy Partnerships in Powerful Place-based Education: The Experience of the Southeast Michigan Stewardship Coalition
by Ethan Lowenstein & Nigora Erkaeva
Freedom, Justice And Sustainability—
Do We Really Know What We Are Doing?
by Rolf Jucker
Re-Imagining Education for Eco-Justice:
Through the Lens of Systems Thinking, Collective
Intelligence and Cross-Cultural Wisdom
by Thomas Nelson & John A. Cassell
Relational thinking in the humanities and social
sciences: The educational dimension of eco-justice
by Joseph Progler
Two Faces Of Eco-Justice In Chinese Society:
De-Capitalizing Schooling Reform For A Sustainable Future
by Chun-Ping Wang
How the Technology of Print Promotes
Abstract Thinking
by Chet Bowers
by Chet Bowers
Eco-Justice Press, L.L.C. © 2011-2024