Paperback $16.95 + S/H
240 pages, 6"x9"
ISBN 13 - 978-1-945432-09-5
Field Guide To The American Teenager:
A Survival Guide For Parents
by Jerome C. Vergamini, MD and Ray Miskimins, Ph.D.
The purpose of this book is to give some guidance to parents of teenagers in plain language without the jargon that just makes it all sound confusing. It is not meant as an encyclopedia with all the answers, but enough to help put parents on a track where, if needed they can get further help and also know what to ask for. The plan we envisioned was to give some straight forward information on communication and developmental stages in kids, and to follow it up within the context of where the kids live – at home, at school, and with peers, and then to attempt to fit all this into the particular subculture in which the kid is raised. We have attempted to guide some of the thought process that goes into dealing with sexuality, substance use, religion, social media, mental health issues, and the teaching aspects of being a parent. We have included some references to applicable referral sources, movies and books. Some of these are classics and are older, but useful nonetheless if available. Last, but not least we have included some “pearls” that we think are pretty good “one liners” – sometimes 2 or 3 – that are useful in crystallizing our approach to kids.
Eco-Justice Press, L.L.C. © 2011-2024